About us

Lahm Textiles is a leading innovative enterprise which enjoys being manufacturer, supplier and exporter of almost a complete range of home textile i.e. from fabrics to made-ups. Lahm Textiles has been privileged in being driven by advance management system which has lead Lahm Textiles to achieve highly recognized international quality systems in producing some of the very best available home textile products. Lahm Textiles is now considered as an even safer place to buy for the international compliant standards the Company holds and where each and every process of production is carefully measured. We at Lahm Textiles value every individual’s perception and aim to follow that respect which has escorted our employees to believe in producing products according to international laws for the satisfaction of all of our clients.

Lahm Textiles has developed profound Quality Control systems which keeps a track on each and every phase of the process from procurement of yarn to products reaching our clients premises safely and devotedly.

Lahm Textiles comprises of an innovative yet vast industrial unit which embraces up to date mechanism serving each and every phase of production. Lahm Textiles is a stupendous firm which has penetrated the vast market of Home textiles and is gladly one of the best available manufacturer and exporter of quality products. Lahm Textiles is a proud supplier covering almost all major European destinations.

Lahm Textiles envisions in becoming a recognized supplier of quality home textiles from Pakistan. We aim to be acknowledged as a supplier working in association with clients for their peace of mind. Lahm Textiles deems and welcomes joint ventures from overseas business organizations with a commitment to forever assist in the growth of our international partners.

We at Lahm Textiles have been working continuously and ceaselessly with sincerity to provide our clientele nothing else but intended quality textiles from Pakistan and have a desire to stay the same with excelling to greater heights where customer’s will have enough faith in us and consider Lahm Textiles a safer place to buy.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
At Lahm Textiles, our main focus initiates with making sure citizenship has been well taken care of. Our effort at Lahm Textiles touches companies, trade, humanity and native world over. For this very reason, we are dedicated to doing commerce in a responsible and ethical manner. The most significant part of our loyalty is the assurance to care for the growth of our own colleagues as well as the communities in which we function. This is core to our corporate social responsibility (CSR) beliefs.

Lahm Textiles makes certain that employees are nurtured to the best of likelihood and are kept at all cost under indemnity and experience international safety measures at every step they take at Lahm Textiles’s premises. We at Lahm Textiles give huge importance to lady workers and encourage them in supporting us back with the extensive knowledge they are blessed with in respect to textile industry. Lahm Textiles also helps provide child care benefits for which special and attentive divisions have been established within the Company’s premises.

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